Blow up function course can ad libitum blow up your like picture in playing 放大功能:在播放过程可随意放大您喜欢的图像
Carrying out the data nbank meter scan , the affix that record , delete and modify , report of born , carried out the synthetase working of the polypeptide data nbank meter , carry out many conditions inquire and blurrings inquire , and vivid carried out the paraquinones and can ' t renew the renewal that inquire as a result gather working , carried out the lord to operate from the table , carry out the secret code maintenance function , ultimately , system can also with the guide data nbank with steer the working to the ad libitum and the data nbank of the structure 实现了数据库表的浏览,记录的添加、删除和修改,报表的生成,实现了多数据库表的连接操作,实现了多条件查询和模糊查询,并灵活实现了对不可更新查询结果集的更新操作,实现了主从表操作,实现了密码维护功能,最后,系统还可以导入数据库以对任意同结构的数据库进行操作。
A vertical piano cadby with exposed keyboard , its closed coffin supporting a pair of long yellow ladies gloves and an emerald ashtray containing four consumed matches , a partly consumed cigarette and two discoloured ends of cigarettes , its musicrest supporting the music in the key of g natural for voice and piano of love s old sweet song words by g . clifton bingham , composed by j . l . molloy , sung by madam antoinette sterling open at the last page with the final indications ad libitum , forte , pedal , animato , sustained , pedal , ritirando , close 一架立式钢琴凯德拜牌205 ,键盘露在外面。上顶盖关得严严实实,摆着一双淡黄色妇女用长手套,一只鲜绿色烟灰缸里是四根燃尽了的火柴,一根吸过一截的香烟,还有两截变了色的烟蒂。谱架上斜搭着一本古老甜蜜的情歌g .克利夫顿宾厄姆作词,詹莱莫洛伊配曲,安托瓦内特斯特林206夫人演唱g大调歌曲
Ad libitum is Latin for "at one's pleasure"; it is often shortened to "ad lib" (as an adjective or adverb) or "ad-lib" (as a verb or noun). The roughly synonymous phrase a bene placito ("at [one's] good pleasure") is less common but, in its Italian form a piacere, entered the musical lingua franca (see below).
ad: ad arbitrium 随意。 Ad ca ...drink water ad libitum: 随便饮水up ad libitum: 可随意起床,可以走动up out of bed ad libitum: 可起床走动-ad: 1.(a)集合名词的词尾: monad 一价元素。 Dyad 二价元素, triad 三价元素, chiliad一千, myriad 一万。 (b)女妖名: Dryad 树精。 (c) 诗名: Illiad, Dunciad. (d) 植物科名: liliad 百合花科。 2.= -ade: ballad, salad, etc. ad: AD,A.D.= 1. Active duty 现役。 2.assembly district (美国某些州的)选区。 3.〔拉丁语〕 Anno Domini 公元。 n. 〔美俚〕广告。 an ad balloon 广告气球。 an ad police 对竞选宣传进行监督的人[机构]。 n. 【网球】打成平局后得分 = advantage. ad in (打成平局后)发球人得分。 ad out (打成平局后)接球人得分。 ad arbitrium 随意。 Ad captandum (vulgus) 讨好众人的。 ad eundem 按同等学历。 ad finem 到[在]最后。 ad hoc 特定,特别 (an ad hoc committee 特设委员会)。 ad infinitum 永远,无限,无穷(略ad inf.)。 ad initium 在开始。 ad interim 暂时的,临时的〔略 ad int. 〕 (chargé d'affaires ad interim 临时代办)。 ad libitum 随意,任意(略 ad lib.); 【音乐】自由演唱。 ad locum 在这里。 ad nauseam 令人作呕,讨厌。 ad referendum 还要斟酌,尚须考虑 ( ad referendum contract 暂定契约书,草约)。 ad rem 得要领,中肯,适宜。 ad unguem (factus) 完善。 ad valorem 按价(ad valorem duty 按价收税)。 ad verbum 逐字。 ad in: 发球占先ad-: 前缀 向…;接近〔表示运动、方向、变化、添加等意义〕。★在元音或在 b, d, h, m, v 之前,仍为 ad- 不变;在 c, f, g, l, n, p. q. r, s, t, 之前, ad- 的 d 因受同化而变为 ac-, af-, ag-, al-, an-, ap-, ac -, 〔在 q 前〕ar-, as-, at-. ad val ad valorm: 从价(运费)aceto ad: 艾西托adad 50: 耳机音频转接线ad activity: 广告活动ad add: 增加ad addenda: 附录,补遗ad adult: 成人ad advertisement: 广告ad aerodrome: 机场ad agent: 广告代理商; 腺样变性因子ad arbitrium: 独断地; 随意地ad asbitsium: 随意地ad astra: 目标星ad aur: 耳用ad aurem: 耳用ad baln: 浴用ad balneum: 浴用
ad libitumとは意味:{形} : 〈ラテン語〉任意{にんい}の、自由{じゆう}な、無制限{むせいげん}の、適宜{てきぎ}の -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {副} : 〈ラテン語〉任意{にんい}に、自由{じゆう}に、無制限{むせいげん}に、適宜{てきぎ}、アドリブで、即興演奏{そっきょう え libitum meaning: Adverb: ad libitum ad 'libitum Without advance preparation - ad lib , spontaneously , impromptu Encyclopedia: Ad libitum ad libitum 뜻:애드리브ad libitum перевод:1) _лат. _разг. экспромт, импровизация 2) _лат. _театр. отсебятина 3) _муз. ад либитум, на усмотрение исполнителя 4) разрешение исключить часть или партию музыкального произведения